Give Serve Love Stories
Your generosity to our community matters

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Corey's Men's Group
So humbled that I get to lead with people like Corey. His men's group raised enough money to pay off the school lunch debt at Burnette Elementary School!
— Rahul Agarwal

Casey's Atlanta Mission Experience
This was my first time working at a homeless shelter. Honestly I had so much fun and can’t wait to do it again! Serving dinner was so fun because I got to socialize with all the women which if you know me I love to do!
— Casey Latrelle

Decatur City Serves
Spent the morning serving MedShare with some amazing people from Decatur City. Can’t think of a better way to kick off the weekend!
— Tensley Almand

Children Serving Others
1 out of 6 kids in Gwinnett County elementary schools go to school every day without breakfast, lunch or a snack. Our Waumba Land and UpStreet kids donated over 600 boxes filled with over 27,000 snacks for kids at Norcross Elementary.
— Alston Causey